Coming up….

Hello readers! It’s great to be back with you. I am now back in Kenya! I had such a wonderful time in the states with my Hubby and participating in the final stage of my worlds colliding!!! I mean what’s better than hanging out with your grandma, and your spouse, and your grandma just bursts out how handsome she finds my Hubby to be.

Life is good. Worlds collided. 

In other news, 2013 has brought up a heavier burden for teenage girls. High schoolers. Therefore, I’m acting on it. Obeying. I am currently putting together 3 schools in which I’ll go to weekly to meet with a small group of teenage girls. Usually when this happens, the principal gives me the trouble-makers.

And I loooove it! I welcome them with open arms. 🙂 This isn’t just going to be a one time thing. I plan to be insanely intentional, awkwardly and deeply rooted in their lives to the point where I and them are comfortably linked together in this beautiful mess of a knot. A knot that God will certainly put together in only the majestic way He knows how, and He’ll protect and guard and nurture, until the season He says to let go. 

I am so ready for this! Every day I brainstorm new ideas for rewards (I’ve started knitting), discussions, stories, jokes, SCRIPTURES,….just things my heart is literally going to burst out on them.

I love it. These desires that God can only give, that gets one so eager to do it. These passions that He’s placed in our hearts that bloom in perfect rhythm of our lives. *sigh* He’s awesome. 

Therefore readers, I desire your help. I am putting together my own curriculum. My own bible study if you will for this small group of amazing ladies that I will soon meet. I’m going through various sources and now am turning to you. 

– What is something that you wish you were taught during your formative years that would’ve helped your journey to who you are today?

– What’s a piece of wisdom that you’ve been given (or wisdom that you have) that helped throughout your life that you’d like to share?

This is going to be an exciting journey. I hope you stay along for the ride, as well as, keep me lifted in prayers for what’s coming up in this new year. Also, this new endeavor will bring about more expenses (transportation, office supplies, rewards, etc) so any support you can give will be tremendously appreciated. Even if you give an hour’s wage, a little will go a long way. 

Continue to spread the word of this blog and what God is doing in Murang’a, Kenya, through you and me. 

God Bless!

3 thoughts on “Coming up….

  1. Allie says:

    Credit: All the godly women in my life

    -God is so intricately involved in every aspect of creation, so why would he not be just as involved in choosing the man you will chase this life with?
    -It is our responsibility as women of God, to protect our brothers in Christ from stumbling. This includes the way we dress and act in their presence. Modest is hottest. Scripturally, it would be better for us to be tosses in the ocean with a millstone tied around our neck than to cause someone to stumble.
    – Submissiveness is a blessing when you’re submitting to the leadership of a God honoring, fearing, and following man.
    – Sticks and stones may break your bones but words may never hurt you is a LIE. Words are our biggest builders and our biggest destroyers, especially as women.
    – I love 1 Peter 3:3-4 is good stuff.

  2. “insanely intentional, awkwardly and deeply rooted in their lives to the point where I and them are comfortably linked together in this beautiful mess of a knot” –> I loooove this. Praying that for you (and me!) sister. And amen.

    I think if in my formative years, someone with a living breathing relationship with Jesus would have simply acknowledged I was angry, that I had a reason to be, but that God is still God and sovereign over all the wrongs I felt I had been done, it would have at the very least, given me a lot to think about while I was rebelling. Ha. 🙂 And perhaps more importantly, really prayed with me about giving it to the Lord. I used to rack my brain for what that looked like until I finally got it… the extremely slow and extremely hard way. 🙂

    Love hearing where the Lord’s leading you. Good stuff.

  3. Leslo, I think it would have been so awesome to know that God was eager to have a relationship with me…I so wanted to be wanted. Also, working out fear issues was a hard battle for me. Fear used to drive so many of my decisions. I really had to learn to stand in the truth, no matter how I FELT. That was huge for me. Can’t wait to hear more about your journey with these ladies!

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